The peachy story

  • A peachy baby is born
  • Mama and Dada are sad that they can’t find a good selection of babyfood in the stores in Thailand
  • So they decide to make food for other parents like them who were too busy to cook their own
  • They talk with uncle Tee who has a tomato factory in North East Thailand to see if he can help
  • Uncle Tee says he can help to develop new baby food products using his factory
  • Five all-natural fruit and veg recipes are created with the help of the factory R&D team and food technology experts
  • And the Peachy baby (now a toddler) helps to confirm that the new products are also yummy
  • The new products are called “Peachy” because its a happy fund and fruity word (like the products)
  • Finally, after 3 years, the new Peachy products are available in Thai Shops